"Im sorry..but I gotta go", he said.
"Where are you going?"
"That was my cousin, he sounded really strange, I have to go see whats wrong."
"I"m coming with you", she said.
"Can people see you?"
"I dont know..I..hmm."
"You cant just go out in public, unless your sure noone can see you but me..your dead remember."
"Yeah, its not something I'll easily forget".
"Look, I have to go, I promise I wont be long, just stay here. Please!", he said with a pleading look in his eyes.
"Ok. I'll stay. But please hurry back. I'll worry about you until you do".
"I Promise."
He leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips and rushed out the door.
Wonder if she is really gonna keep her promise and stay there or not
Like Alvia said, I wonder if she'll stick around?
Maybe she's going to get all jealous and start following him.
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